The way of carrying

How to carry the wounded alone

EWhile supporting the wounded legs, drag him or her from behind as you move. (figure left)

ECarry the wounded on your back so that his or her weight lean on you.
@(clasp both his or her wrists, draw both his or her knees and carry like holding him or her.) (figure center)

ECarry him or her in your arms.
@So that he or she can be relieved, you should talk to him or her. (figure right)

How to carry the wounded with some people

Make the wounded's side on the people of both side and carrying people carry the front and the rear of the wounded over making a posture like a hammock.

How to carry the wounded with some close tools

Now, I'm going to introduce how to carry the wounded with a blanket.
Because you can't do it alone, do it with 4 or 6 people.

1. First, make the wounded lie on the middle of the blanket.

2. Roll a blanket thinly and as hardly as possible from both sides of the blanket.

3. Grip rolled parts from above and lift. At this time, if you don't roll a blanket hardly, it become difficult to lift it.

4. And when you did this with 5 people, if you make your knees short, you can change the direction easily.

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