HOME Experience report Report of... State of around house

State of around house

State of exterior

Cracks on the wall is as brittle as if you touch it, it will fall to pieces.
A lot of cracks is along inferior border of windows.

State of the exterior

At the upper floors, tremors of earthquakes having become bigger, drainspouts have come off.

State of neighborhood

My neighborhood took refuge from the earthquake at the park.
After second aftershock occured, the number of neighborhood who have taken refuge increased all at once.

When the aftershocks occured, I was calling around the park to lead people who have gone out.
What I have realized then was sheltering people were apt to think about bulidings, and walked on the opposite side of load of buildings.
But near of there was a parking lot, because of tremors, cars where were parked on there swerved to the load.
This was dangerous for sheltering children I thought, so I called and asked people to pass on the center of load.
I found that there were dangerous factors in the places which we had not minded, all over again.
Car drivers should be careful to put on the side brakes and stop the car.

HOME Experience report Report of... State of around house
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