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Introduction of members of this website

We introduce ourselves on this page.
We introduce our unique impression and thoughts. War stories cannot be missed.
Please read right and wrong.


Role:leader, web page creation, contacting(author’s permission, coverage, etc.)
I’m the moderator of this website, K.S. I felt people’s kindness while I played this role.
I really feel that we could do our best thanks to those who gave us information, the department store that took on our coverage, the members of our team, the teachers who supported us, and so on.


Role:coverage, collection of information, add-up
I’m Nm.Y. handled collection of information, add-up.
I had a lot of trouble getting the information I wanted, and sometimes I searched for information on through the internet or reading books until midnight.
When we collected information at the department store, I was nervous, but I was glad to hear the precious stories.


Role:drowing pictures, illustration, animation
I’m N.Y., I like drowing pictures and something cute.
This is my first time to drow “fulfilling the requirement, easy-understanding picture” and it was much harder than I imagined.
I want pepole to see my pictures and enjoy learning.


Role:collection of information, looking up words, checking spelling
I’m A.S. My role was about words.
This time, the theme about food problem is hard to understand even for us.
I had a trouble when I checked all words and changed them into easy words so that even junior high school students can understand.


Role:collection of information, checking spelling
I’m M.O. I was in chargr of collecting information.
Through the research, I really felt that building a relationship with society is very difficult.
From now on, I decided to have knowledge, and have my own ideas.


Role:English translation
I’m R.Y. I7m in charge of English translation.
This time, I did my best because I wanted people in foreign countries to understand our website.
I hope foreigners can make use of our website.

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