title Japanese preparation 1period 2period 3period 4period 5period 6period review sitemap



・Brother  Leader/Programming
 Through this web site contest, technology for creating sites has been improved.It is possible to hear the opinions of various people when writing content.I feel that I can get rare experience.

・Act  Making sentences and quiz
 I looked for the energy problems of the world. I was a little relief to know that it uses a lot of fossil fuel in the world, not only in Japan. It was pathetic. I want renewable energy to spread.

・Ittupi-  Making sentences and quiz
When I was writing the text to be easy to understand, there was a lot that I do not know.So, this work was that good for me.I want to find out more about clean energy and tidal power generation.

・Nya-chan  Site design
 I did the design of this site.I'm glad to be able to put together what I examined.

・Konan  Making FLASH animation
 I created a FLASH animation.I made an effort to tell the own idea .Although there were a lot of things I didn't know,I was able to work thanks to the seniors.


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