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Energy commentary


About domestic supply of the energy

From the left figure,the energy production in Japan is a tendency to decrease in the peak in 2008. 2011,the reason why it decreased with 2012 is that the operation of nuclear power plants of all Japan stopped nder the influence of an accident of Fukusima first Nuclear Power Plant by East Japan great earthquake disaster.Thermal power generation using coal,natural gas increases when we look by energy distinction.The amount of production by new energy such as the wind-generated electricity gradully increases,too.

( The source : Energy White Paper 2014 P.143 www.enecho.meti.go.jp )                   

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About wind-generated electricity introduction of Japan

In Japan, introduction of the wind-generated electricity advances. Qantity and number of the total setting of the wind-power plant,total facilities increases together. In late years some force weakens, but movement to propel after 3.11,new energy generation is seen. Therefore increase in wind-generated electricity is anticipated in future.

(The source : The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization NEDO www.nedo.go.jp
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 The energy commentary (In the world)

About an energy consumption

From the left figure, we understand that world consumptions increase as a year passes. In addition,the increase in developing countries of Asia is outstanding mainly. The world energy consumption is expected to double 1.5 from 2010 through 2035.

(The source : Hokuriku Electric Power Co. www.rikuden.co.jp
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Windmill theory


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