
We can make even the junior high school students! Handmade easy by our personal things!

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We observe laws and ordinances about the personal information and other models with the small windmill production diary and make all possible measures for protection of the personal information.We use the personal information that I got by an email and an inquiry only by an answer and don't use it in the others.


Using tool : Homepage builder18

Copyright consent : ( To the out side page )

 「 Transition of the primary energy country supply 」  
The source:Agency for Natural Resources and Energy www.enecho.meti.go.jp 
「2014Annual Report on Energy  143page」
It was admitted by the Agency for Natural Resource and Energy.November5th,2014

 「 Transition of the quantity of wind-generated electricity introduction in Japan. 」 
The source:the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization(NEDO)www.nedo.go.jp
It was admitted by NEDO.November6th,2014

 「 Prospect of the primary energy consumption according to the area. 
The source:OECD、IEA www.rikuden.co.jp「WORLD ENERGY OUTLOOK2013」
It was admitted by Hokuriku Electric Power Co.November5th,2014

 「 Potograph of the Wind-lens turbine 2types 」 
The source:Kyushu University www.kyushu-u.ac.jp
It was admitted by Kyushu University.November5th,2014

 「 Photograph of the maple tree's seed 」  
The source:MEMO graphics memoga.doorblog.jp
We used material with the Terms of Use which were copyright notation and use application-free.

「 Dragonfly,Butterfly,Gull's photograph 」
The source:Homepage builder18 www.justsystems.com/jp/products/hpb/
We used Homepage builder18's collection of materials.

 「 Quiz 」 
The source:QuizGenerator  quizgenerator.net/
We made it by QuizGenerator's Terms of Use.

 「 Movie」 
The source:Tsukuba expocenter www.expocenter.or.jp
It was admitted by Tsukuba expocenter.January8th,2015

 「 counter of visitor」 
Source:ninjyacounter www.ninja.co.jp/
We made it by ninjyacounter's Terms of Use.

 Some photograph and the materialsexcept the above are originals of the natural energy research group.

 「 Flowplayer 」english.kaisetu.html 
Source: flowplayer.jp.uptodown.com
 「 lightbox 」english.move1.html 
Source: www.lokeshdhhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/
 「 gmail 」english.access1.html 
Source: www.gmail.com/

Creative Commons Licenses

This site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Noderivatives2.1Japan License.

Inquiry about this site

koishikawa small windpower generation workshop  Natural energy studygroup
TEL. 03-3946-5171 FAX.03‐3946-5172
http://www.koishikawachuto-e.metro.tokyo.jp/cms/html/top/main/index.html(School window)
http://koishikawa.windmill@gmail.com ( Contact of this site exclusive use )


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