
・Abe Shinzo

Japan’s 90th, 96th, 97th prime minister. Present. He was prime minister from year of 2006 to 2007 before resignation because of illness. He came back as prime minister after Liberal Democratic Party took rein of government on 2012.

・Unicameral system
Present Japanese parliament is taking BICAMERAL SYSTEM which is comprised the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and the HOUSE OF COUNCILLORS. UNICAMERAL SYSTEM is to be one diet after unification or abolition of two diets.

・Cabinet meeting

The meeting which is decided contents to discuss in the diet by ministers. Cabinet decision is to be decided to discuss in the diet.

Same page, to Socialism

・Imperial constitution
Constitution to be granted by sovereign. Democratic constitution is established by the people. Constitution of The Empire of Japan was granted by the emperor.

Military is centered of politics and economy of the country in militarism. This militarism was strong under constitution of empire of Japan, especially during war. GHQ(General Headquarter of the allied forces) occupied in Japan after World War II putted forward democratization positively in Japan. Because they recognized that militarism was problem.

To be promulgated ordinances and laws to the people before enforcement. The constitution of Japan was promulgated on 3rd November, 1946.

 ・National defense forces
To be described at Clause 2 of article 9 of constitutional amendment draft. As this draft this is organization to protect peace of Japan and keep security of Japanese people cooperating with the world’s countries. Supreme commander of this organization is prime minister of Japan.

・Personal information protection law
Law to take care of personal data held by private company. This has been effective on April, 2005. Many local governments are enacting Privacy protection ordinance. This symbolizes to rise in privacy awareness.
・Right of individual self-defense
Country to be established right of individual self-defense cannot counterattack when the country would be under attack. This right is opposite way of thinking of right of collective self-defense and Japan is holding right of collective self-defense now.

Official name of GHQ is General headquarter in allied force. GHQ was head commander during World War II and after the war, they occupied in Japan to put forward dimerization of Japan.

・GHQ plan
GHQ denied Japanese constitutional draft “Matsumoto plan”. Constitutional draft of GHQ submitted on July, 1946 to Japan. Present Japanese constitution is based on this GHQ draft.

・Japan self-defense force
Military was disarmed after the war, Japan self-defense force was substituted as Japanese organization of national defense. Japan self-defense force is protecting the safety of Japanese people when there is possibility to be endangered by other country and act to keep public security at the dangerous place of overseas. Because they are prohibited to carry on war by the constitution of Japan article 9. In Japan this force is not recognizing “ARMY” according to understanding of article 9. But if constitution of Japan will be amended, they will be JAPAN NATIONAL ARMY clearly both of locally and internationally.

To be effective promulgated laws and ordinances. Enforcement of Constitution of Japan was on 3rd May, 1947.

Movement of capital(money) is principal of all social activity and generate profit and surplus value. Many countries like Japan United states of America is adopting this system. Socialism is opposite way of thinking of capitalism. (Socialism is to devided equaly the profit and surplus value generated in society to the people.)

All the people in the country is equal and live decided life in the system of socialism. In the past socialism was in rivalry with capitalism. This confrontation called CALD WAR. Few countries adopt socialism after dissolution of Soviet Union.

Right of collective defense
The country what is not attacked directly carry on the war to protect for allied country. In Japan there is nation-wide discussion for a long time this right is unconstitutional or not. And on 1st July, 2014 cabinet decided to use partly this right.

・Liberal democratic party
Present government party. Political policy is center-right faction. This party is taking positive attitude to amend constitution making amendment draft. Top leader of this party is Prime minister, Mr. Shinzo Abe.
Direct election of prime minister
Present Japanese system is to be selected by diet member elected by the people. Direct election system of prime minister is to be selected by the people directly. Election of president of United State of America is the direct election.

・Soviet Union
Formal name was Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Soviet Union cooperated with U.S.A as a member of Allied nations during World War. But they, as the country of socialism, were in opposition to U.S.A. of capitalism country after the war. But Soviet Union broke down in 1991 as the result of failure of socialism and reformed Russian Federation.

 ・World WarU
War that has spread to the world lasted from 1939 to 1945.
The situation became serious after Japan and the United States began the battle in 1941.
Japan surrendered in September 1945,the war over six years ended.
Cold War
The After World WarU,the Cold War was a state of political and military tension between powers in Western Block (the United States, its NATO allies and others) and powers in the Eastern Block (the Soviet Union and its allies I the Warsaw pact).
The Soviet Union itself lost control and collapsed in 1991,Cold War became to an end.

・Douglas MacArthur
He is Marshal, Commander-in-Chief of GHQ when the war was end.
He come to Japan in August 30, 1945. And until he retired in 1951, he worked on constitutional amendment of Japan, proceed with democratization.

Doshu system
Doshu system is a regional political system.
It will be established Do (include Hokkaido) or Shu, instead of Todofuken(Japanese prefectures) system that is abolished and integrated.
Each local government of Doshu will be highly authorized than present Todofuken.

・Civil war

War between two or more groups of citizens of one nation, not between countries.
Recently civil wars tend to be seen often in middle eastern countries.

・Potsdam Declaration
The Potsdam Declaration was announced by the United States, United Kingdom, China and the Soviet Union that joined with a delay.
Its contents were written about the giving the chance of surrender to Japan and what Japanese government should be after the war.

Matsumoto plan
The Outline of Constitution Revision was made by the Minister of State, Joji Matsumoto as the leader and the representative of Japanese government on February 8, 1946.
But it had no change in the contents of the constitution of the Empire of Japan, So GHQ refused it.


・Democratic constitution
Contrast to imperial constitution, the constitution is enacted in the form that a nation decide.
This has been used in many countries as well as Japan.

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