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About convenience store food

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Well do you remember the problems of convenience store food?


The first problem is it has a lot of calories and it leads you to getting fat as fast food.
Another problem is it has a lot of food additive.
It might damage entrails or decay immunity or cause difficulty concentrating or make you feel angry.


Yeah. That's right. But most of us eat it at least once or twice a week.
Acuturally we went to convenience store after school for a period tima, didn't we?


Did you?


Yes. Maybe we went to convenience store 3 or 4 times a week.
Convenience store often embark on the campaign of popular animation.
So to get the gift we bought the target securities a lot.
Then we felt the convenience store food was so good.
So even after the campaign, we went to the convenience store almost every day.
I bought convenience store food for every day lunch.
Maybe I was addicted to it.
Does convenience sore food create an addiction?


Oh. Yeah. I heard the food additive in convenience store food might create an addiction.


Really? As I recall, I felt angry so quickly at that time.
And the worst thing was I gained 3 kg in one month after keep eating convenience store food.


Wow. That's terrible.


But after I gained the weight, I felt so shocked. So I started to eat the lunch box my mother made.
Then I felt it so delicious ,which I hadn't felt in that way before.
So I could stop convenience store food.
Then I lost weight as I had before gaining it.


Really? Then maybe the story it infects gaining weight should be true.


Yeah. I think so. Did you see the photos of convenience store rice balls we introduced on the page of "Efficacy of meal", didn't you?
You can understand why convenience store food has a lot of calories after seeing it.


Yes. That's right.


If you care about calories, why don't you eat salads of convenience store?


Well, I cannot say you should eat it.
Because it is said that it has a lot of food additive like antiseptic, even though it looks so healthy.
Otherwise how can fresh vegetables keep crunchy texture for hours?


Really? I haven't thought about it.


So we should try not to eat it every day.
It is so easy to buy and cheap.
But we have to be careful not to be addicted.
First we should try not to come by convenience store after school so often.
Then maybe we won't feel emotionally stressed so often.


  • Don't take convenience store food so often. Don't forget it has a lot of food additive even in salads whichi look so healthy.
  • Understand the problems of convenience store food.
  • If you feel you are addicted to it, stop buying it once, and eat the meal your mother cooks. You musr feel the differences of daintiness between them.

We talkes about the reasons why they don't eat breakfast and the solution.

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