[The Heian Period(794-1192)]

In the early stages of the Heian Period, still the assimilation of Tang's culture lasted, but Japanese envoi to the Tang Dynaty was abolished in the nine century, after that the tendency of country weathering gets strong graduatlly. The clothes in this age yielded a peculiar Japanese thing by the court nobles who like refinement. That representative were the sokutai for man which was court noble's full-dress and a nyoubou-shouzoku for woman.

A nyoubou-shouzoku was “Hareno-yosooi” for gentlewomen who served in the Imperial court, which is known with the name of “Juunihitoe”. The name of a junihitoe was said in the future, and about twenty sheets of uchiki's have been piled up. When they wore a full-dress, the number of a uchiki was increased. It seems that this was to show off their dignty, the power and wealth.

A nyouboushouzoku consists of a karaginu, a mo, an uchiki, a hitoe. In the bottom most, they wore a white kosode as a underwear. A hakama was long to hide their legs, and was divided in 2 types by their ages.

There were a sokutai as full-dress, a ikan which were informality, a noushi, a kariginu, and a suikan as an usual clothes for man.



A nyoubou of court noble's hareno-yosooi
A man wearing a kariginu
A court noble wearing a sokutai in winter
A court noble wearing a noushi in winter
A commoner's woman
A commner's man wearing a hitatare





The Ancient Period

The Yamato Imperial Court Period

The Nara Period

The Heian Period

The Kamakura -Muromachi Period

The Aduchi-Momoyama Period

The Edo Period

The Meiji Period

The Taishou Period-Today