A solar optical generation of electricity system

Today, "solar optical generation of electricity" is said well as a beautiful energy. We tried what kind of structure to look up the matter whether it was using around us how in. As there were many houses with the solar in near our school, we interviewed how solar optical generation of electricity was being used.
(UDONE's solar・Establishment the fourth year )

Q1:Why did you think a solar panel was intended to be put?
A1:It is because it generates electricity by itself and I can be handled the energy. And, left electricity can be sold to the electric power company. In the start a salesman came to the house and recommended.

Q2:What kind of time is it useful at?
A2:It generates electricity very well in the day which cleared away. Summertime is very good. However, the amount of generation of electricity varies according to the cloudy day.There are a few.

Q3:What kind of electricity are you doing how to use?
A3:It can live only on the electricity which generates electricity in the daytime of the good day of the weather. But, because a night is impossible, electricity is bought from the electric power company, and I live.

Q4:How much effect do you have?
A4:For example, when the electricity being bought is set at 10000 yen, the electricity which generates electricity with solar is thought to be about 5000 yen. If it doesn't use for about twenty years, the cause of the establishment fee may not be removed.

Q5:Was there a subsidy?
A5:Yes. It is about 10% of the whole.

Q6:What is it that you were allowed to install it?
A6:It came to worry how much electricity we were using. What it worries about is connected with the economy.

Q7:What is it to be conversely troublesome?
A7: When a subsidy is received, the matter whether it uses for what every month how much is collected, and you must send it. But, this isn't thought to be what must be done all the time. I think that it ends in more several years.

UDONE made to cooperate was grateful.