Government activities

Translations: 日本語

There are areas that have made great achievements aiming at zero killing in Japan.
Among them, Kanagawa prefecture is attractive.
In Kanagawa Prefecture 2014 and 2015 for two consecutive years the killing of dogs and cats has achieved zero. There are two reasons for achieving this.

  1. The first is to avoid taking over at the Protection Center unless there is a justifiable reason. We expanded the place to transfer from the protection center with cooperation of volunteer organizations.

  2. Second, the Kanagawa Prefectural Animal Conservation Center is working on spreading “owners clearly” of animals to raise the return rate. Specifically, I am trying to embed microchips in dogs and cats and return the lost animals to the owner by clarifying the owner.

Thus, even at the administrative level, it is moving to reduce casings.

After that...I tried summarizing solutions that I thought about discussing with the team.