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Efforts to prevent accidents

Until now, we have seen the trends and data of bicycle accidents, responsibility and insurance in case of accident happening unfortunately. So, what kind of initiatives are being implemented to reduce bicycle accidents? Also, let's think about what kind of effective efforts are for reducing accidents.

We know the following from the data so far.

  1. Although the traffic accident as a whole is gradually decreasing, the proportion occupied by bicycle accidents has not decreased
  2. The number of injured or injured while riding a bicycle is very large in 16 - 19 years old
  3. About 70% of accidents between the ages of 16 and 19 are accidents caused by law violation

16 to 19 years old who have more accidents than the above. We believe that it is most effective for junior and high school students to learn proper manners and rules on using bicycles correctly.

Examples of initiatives

Ibaraki City which drastically reduced bicycle accidents

In Osaka prefecture, the proportion of bicycle accidents accounting for the entire traffic accident was as high as 30.2% (nationwide average 18.4% · 2015), among them Ibaraki city), the bicycle usage rate / bicycle accident rate was high.
As a result, Ibaraki City implemented various initiatives to reduce bicycle accidents. As a result, the number of bicycle accidents declined at the peak of 2012, from 506 to 381 from 2014 to 2015, the number of accidents decreased by 1/4 I heard he did. I will see what kind of initiatives we have implemented.


① Implementation of guidance and enforcement
Police officers at the Ibaraki Police Station carried out daily stand-by guidance at six main intersections in the city during the commuting time.
② Bicycle Manner Up Exercise
Citizen and regional traffic safety activity promotion committee · police · city officials co-ordinate bicycle manners at frequent accident points.
③ Implement safety education for students
· "Traffic safety class" is held continuously / periodically at nursery schools, kindergartens, elementary schools, etc.
· Implemented guidance on riding a bicycle especially for elementary school fourth graders.
· Worked on junior high schools that had not done "traffic safety classroom", held from 2014.
· Bicycle Driver's License to High School Bikumasa Tsubasa High School introduced the Bicycle Safety Workshop introduction.
④ Implementation of traffic safety education for the elderly
· Held a lecture on "The proper way to pass a bicycle" mainly for elderly people. Private bicycle safety education instructor and Ibaraki police station traffic officer enlighten knowledge necessary for safe bicycle trafficking and compensation problems at accident.
⑤ Improvement of infrastructure
· In November 2013, "Bicycle lane" was established between about 500 meters from JR Ibaraki Station east exit intersection where fire extinguisher is rich in bicycle traffic, and about 700 meters east of March 2014.

Source:公益財団法人日本自動車教育振興財団 / Traffi-Cation 第43号

Our opinion

Looking at the efforts of Ibaraki City, efforts focused on students and elderly people with many bicycle accidents are being implemented, and targeted initiatives such as turnaround guidance at frequent accident locations are effective for reducing accidents I felt that I am working on.

