Investigation for Resolution

  • Is Japan a Water Imports Country?!
  • Visualize Water Problems around the World (1)
  • Visualize Water Problems around the World (2)
  • Visualize Water Problems around the World (3)
  • Ask an Authority on Hydrology
  • Let’s Thinking about Water Problems in Terms of Our Meals!
  • Awareness questionnaire
  • Glossary
  • Glossary

    The level of water stress

    Freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources is the ratio between total freshwater withdrawn by major economic sectors and total renewable freshwater resources, after taking into account environmental water requirements.

    FAO. (2017). SDG Indicator 6.4.2 - Water stress, Retrieved December 15, 2018

    Total internal renewable water resources

    [Groundwater produced internally] + [Surface water produced internally] - [Overlap between surface water and groundwater]

    FAO. (2003). Review of World Water Resources by Country, Water Report 23, Retrieved December 15, 2018

    Renewable water resources per capita

    Which are inland waters renewed by the global water cycle, are the main source of water available to humankind.
    [Total internal renewable water resources (IRWR)] * 1000000 / [Total population]

    FAO. (2016). Water Resources, Retrieved December 15, 2018

    Virtual water

    Refers to the water needed if you were to grow the imported food in the importer or consumer of food.

    Ministry of the Environment _virtual water. (n.d.), Retrieved December 15, 2018

    Virtual water imports

    The amount of virtual water when importing.

    Ministry of the Environment _virtual water. (n.d.), Retrieved December 15, 2018

    Virtual water trade

    View of water resources between imports and exports.

    Ministry of the Environment _virtual water. (n.d.), Retrieved December 15, 2018

    Irrigated agriculture

    Agriculture using water which is supplied to an area of land through pipes or channels from river, lake, reservoir or groundwater. The amount of crops increases by irrigation. You can it in Monsoon Asia and dryland: South Asia, the coast of the Mediterranean and the U.S.

    Chiri yougo kenkyukai.(2016). Chiri yougoshu [Glossary of Geography]. Japan: Yamakawa publisher.

    Mixed farming

    The farming method mixing raising livestock: cattles, sheep and barley or maize cultivation for the livestock feed.

    (2017). Saishin Chirizuhyou GEO [The newest Source Book of Geography GEO]. Japan: Daiichi gakushusha.

    Population using safely managed drinking-water services

    Population drinking water from an improved source that is accessible on premises, available when needed and free from faecal and priority chemical contamination. Improved water sources include piped water, boreholes or tubewells, protected dug wells, protected springs, and packaged or delivered water.

    WHO. (2017). Indicator Metadata Registry, Retrieved December 15, 2018

    Water footprint

    Measures the amount of water used to produce each of the goods and services we use. It can be measured for a single process, such as growing rice, for a product, such as a pair of jeans, for the fuel we put in our car, or for an entire multi-national company.

    Water Footprint Network. (n.d.). What is a water footprint?, Retrieved December 15, 2018

    SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

    SDGs, otherwise known as the Global Goals, are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. These 17 Goals build on the successes of the Millennium Development Goals.

    UNDP. (2018). SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS, Retrieved December 15, 2018

    GIS (Geographic Information System)

    Method to express various results of a data analysis on the map by using computer.

    Chiri yougo kenkyukai.(2016). Chiri yougoshu [Glossary of Geography]. Japan: Yamakawa publisher.

    Center pivot irrigation

    Method of irrigated agriculture on dryland or semidryland. Sprinkle the farmland with water or agricultural chemicals. Mainly, you can see in the Great Plains in the U.S.

    Chiri yougo kenkyukai.(2016). Chiri yougoshu [Glossary of Geography]. Japan: Yamakawa publisher.