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Top>What does "Transport Refugee" mean?>Mechanism

Mechanism of transport refugees

The primary reason for the increase in people called "Transport refugees" is population decrease, depopulation and popularization of private cars in rural areas.
In the period of high economic growth, many people moved to industrial areas of metropolis as workers and the population concentration to urban areas accelerated. On the other hand, the declining population and depopulation of rural areas progressed. As a result, the number of workers has decreased in rural areas, and a vicious circle of decreasing population has arisen that young people looking for jobs will go out in the vicinity of the city with many jobs, and the number of users of public transportation will inevitably decrease.
Also, due to popularization of private cars, it has become possible to reach destinations without using public transportation such as trains and buses so that many people have become to use private car instead of train or bus.
As a result, the profit deterioration due to the decrease in public transportation users occurs and withdrawal from the routes or reduction of flight will happen and eventually, it becomes inconvenience. Finally, "Transport refugees" will be increasing one after another.

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