Home>Fermentation that save the world>3.Fermentation which solve food crisis

Section3.Fermentation which solve food crisis

Japan's food self-sufficiency rate in fiscal 2018 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries was 37%, which is a serious situation compared to other countries.

To solve the food crisis, people try to use fermentation.

Make food which can’t be eaten to food which can be eaten

When try to solve food crisis by fermentation, we make food which can’t be eaten (or hard to be eaten) to food which can be eaten. And reduce the waste of food.

(ex1) Fallen leaves
The minimum nutrition that humans need to live is glucose.
Humans and animals alive convert glucose into calories.
Scholars around the world, including Japan, are studying whether fallen leaves can be used for food day and night.
Because fallen leaves are fibers, they break down into glucose when broken down.
If fermentation technology is used, human nutrients can be made from waste.
Many strong fungi with the fibrinolytic enzyme cellulase have been found on Earth.
By modifying the gene of this microorganism, we are trying to make bacteria that break down dead leaves and sawdust into glucose.

Forests on Earth, such as the Russian tundra, have hundreds of millions of tons of dead leaves each year.
A tremendous amount of untouched food resources remains.

(ex2) Poison
Cycads are rich in starch but toxic.
On Amami Oshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture and Kurikunijima Island in Okinawa, soil microorganisms oxidize this poison by fermentation and turn it into a non-toxic formic acid.
All the poisons have not been removed yet, but if you wash and steam them and put them in a row, mold will break down the remaining poison.
The detoxified fruit is powdered, cooked rice and salt are added, and fermented with the power of koji mold, yeast and lactic acid bacteria to make cycad miso.

(ex3) The food easy to spoil.
Animal’s meat is easy to spoil, so some people trash them. However, time to spoil will be much more longer by fermentation. This way often used at the period when refrigerated room hadn’t invited.
So why can you save it by fermentation?
If there is more than a certain number of microorganisms in an environment, only those microorganisms will increase and other microorganisms will not be able to reproduce. This is the antagonism of microorganisms.
In fermented foods, the number of fermenting microorganisms increases and repels decaying bacteria.
For example, lactic acid bacteria ferment to produce a substance called lactic acid. This lactic acid has the effect of keeping rot bacteria away, so it can be stored.


Example of food crisis solved

We show the example of food crisis solved by fermentation.
Minamotono Yoshiie (People which suppressed Gosannenn war)
At the war at Tohoku, Minamotono Yoshiie’s army were in food crisis. One day, army put soybeans into bag called Tuto. Few days’ later soy beans changed to Natto. Before this event, soybeans hadn’t eaten because of its bad taste and few nutrition, but army solved the crisis by fermentation of soybeans.