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Sweet sake

Sweet Sake is often drunk during New Year's Day. It does not contain alcohol, so it can drink from children to adults.


It is said to have originated from "Amanotamu Sake" described in the Nihon-Shoki It is said that this was offered to God. In the latter half of the Edo period, ordinary people could easily drink.
In the latter half of the Edo period, sweet sake was sold as a drink that would prevent summer fatigue (Recovery from fatigue), and ordinary people could easily drink it.


Natural energy drink which helped the Edo people

Sweet sake has been around for a long time, but it was only in the late Edo period that people could drink it. The price at that time was four sentences (currently about 66-100 yen).
Merchants seemed to be indispensable to people's lives, as it was ruled that merchants should not sell more than four Mon so that anyone could drink nutritious sweet sake with ease.


Sweet Sake is divided into two types: those made by breeding Koji on steamed rice, and those made by adding sugar and water to sake. The difference is that the former contains alcohol and the latter does not. In addition, it can be divided into Sweet Sake made from white rice and Brown Rice Sweet Sake made from brown rice.

How to make sweet sake?

Introduces alcohol-free sweet sake that can be easily made at home. Since the fermentation period can be overnight, it is also called "Overnight liquor".

Rice Koji 200g
Water 200〜800g

@Prepare rice cooker, and Put a towel on the inner pot.
APut rice Koji and water in a heat-resistant container, and leave the container a little open.
BPut the container in an inner pot and leave the rice cooker lid open at 50-60℃for at least 5 hours.
Keep warm. If sweetness comes out, it is completed.
Put into refrigerator, and drink within 1week〜10days.

Nutrients and effects

Amino acids are the components of the cells that make up the human body.
Proteins are composed of 20 types of amino acids linked together. Of these, 9 types of amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the body are called “Essential amino acids".
These must be taken from food, and if any of them is missing, muscle, bone, blood, etc. cannot be synthesized.
Sweet sake contains all nine essential amino acids and can be taken in a well-balanced manner.
Essential amino acids promote cell division, so lacking them can result in skin weakness and impaired liver function.