Wind power generation, as everyone knows uses wind power for producing electric energy.
Wind power generation does not cause any big problem, such as reducing oil reserves, producing CO2 or the dangers associated with nuclear power generation.
In the addition, wind power generation is a form of renewable energy.
Moreover, it is an accredited environmental protection energy source all over the world.


Everyone has seen the big propellers which are used for producing energy at wind power generation sites.
It uses very simple technology, the generator is turned by wind and produce electric power.
The generators used by the electric power industry in wind generation are also used in nuclear power, fossil power, water power, geo-thermal etc. These all use generators.
All things considered, I'll investigate eco-energy. Eco-energy will be shown to be the energy source which is the cleanest and most powerful to turn the generator.


1. The energy source (wind) is easily available
The biggest advantage of wind power generation is that it can produce energy from the wind through propellers (turbines). To sum up, on small islands or somewhere it is difficult to send electric energy; wind power generation is very helpful. Moreover, it can be used on a smaller scale than other energy industries such as fossil or nuclear power plants. Therefore, it is easy to build. In Japan, where land availability is a serious problem; wind power generation is possible.

2. It is a very clean energy source Wind power generation uses wind. The wind has the advantage that it is a very natural source and can be used eternally. That advantage is very simple; nevertheless, it is a very attractive advantage.

3. It is cheaper compared with other energy sources. It compares favourably other energy sources in terms of cost; wind power generation has the advantage. The cost of wind power energy is cheaper than other energy production.


1. The amount of energy produced is very variable Wind power generation use wind power to produce electric energy. However, wind is a very unreliable energy source. For instance, in Japan, there are a lot of typhoons which cause stress and overload the system. Moreover, the overloaded generators caused fires. ?
Solution In this case, if the winds are too strong, the generator stops and protects the system. Furthermore, it can change the angle of the propeller blades.

2. The noise of the propellers This method use wind and the noise of the wind hitting the propellers causes a problem for people living nearby.

3. Bird accident The propellers of the wind power generators are very big. Moreover, wind farms are set in wide open areas or near the ocean. Therefore, bird can hit the propellers causing damage for each. ?
Solution The solution for this problem is to stop the propellers while migrating bird are in the area. In addition, propellers should be designed to deter birds.

4. The generators must be in the best place Wind power generators use natural power, thus strong wind is necessary. Moreover, the place needs to be chosen to avoid these disadvantages such as noise.

5. The wind power generation spoil the view Wind power generation uses smaller buildings than other energy industries. However, compared with houses they are big. Therefore, wind power generation spoil the view in some cases, and people against building wind farms.

All things considered, wind power generation is a very clear power for the world.
It has a lot of selling points and I want to advocate this eco-energy source.
For example, this energy source doesn't produce CO2 thus it helps to stop increasing global warming.
On the other hand, all things have problems; wind power generation is no exception.
Our task for the future is how to solve these problem and to succeed in an eco-energy industry.