CSS learning

Until finishing a manuscript.

We introduce how to finish a manuscript on this page.
Let’s see how to finish a manuscript.

1. Offer
A publisher asks to write an author a manuscript.
2. Collecting articles
Collect article and information
3. Finish the first manuscript
4. Rewrite the manuscript
Make it better by meeting with an author and an editor.
5. Make a proof
Give the manuscript to a printer and make a proof.
6. Check the proof
Give a proof a proofreader and check it.
7. Make another proof
Correct mistakes and make another proof.
8. Finish proofreading
Repeat 6&7 until all mistakes will be corrected and finish proofreading.

“Gera” a proof

As we explained above, people in a publisher works so hard to give us good books.

That is all about books.
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