研究の動機 Introduction


Recently, tornado damage occur in various places. That there is a big energy in the tornado because of the size of tornado damage.
Tornado is vortex of air, but wonder what vortex in the atmosphere other than nature. I want to check the Vortex found in the natural world and how it works.
Making the whirlpool like the tornado is widely seen. For example the seed of the helianthus to attach and making space, etc. In the natural world, and expressible in the idea of Fibonacci sequence with the computer has been understood. Moreover. We found that we are able to do the exhaust and the fan of efficient water by using the whirlpool.

친근, 각지에서회오리바람의피해가발생하고있다. 피해의크기에서, 히오리바람에는큰에네르기가있는것을알게됐다. 회오리바람은               대기의 소용돌이시만, 자연계에는대기이외에어떤소용돌이가있는것일까. 자연계에보이는소용돌이와그구조를조사해보고싶다. 회오리바람과같은소용돌이구조는, 해바라기씨의붙입새또는우주의구조처럼자여계에자주발견되는, 휘보나치수열의사고방식으로컴퓨터로표현할구있는것을알게됐다. 또한, 소용돌이로효율높은물의배출이나선풍기역할이가능한것이알려졌다.