The 1970s

「What kind of rocket was developed in 1970?」
N rocket was developed. 」

「N? Why?」
「It is N of NIPPON. 」
「Oh,I see.」
「Then, N rocket is introduced. 」
「Got it.」

「first of all,≪N−T≫ is introduced.」
「There any gonna be one ... 2 or 3?」
「No, there is it only to two.」
「 oh…,It is somewhat regrettable. 」
「It does not matter particularly.」

「The N rocket was made by an organization called NASDA
「 Is the organization which developed N rocket not Tokyo University Process Technology R & D Laboratories?」
NASDA is an abbreviated designation of
National Space Development Agency made in 1969 by Japanese Government. Now we call the organization JAXA .」
「Oh, then I know only the name.」

「In 1970, development of an N-1 rocket started. 」
「I began development soon after NASDA was established.」
「Yes. The different point where Tokyo University Process Technology R & D Institute produced
these rockets to here is decisive」
「Oh, is it anything?」
「It is fuel. 」
「 Fuel...? Oh! got it! This is the fuel of a liquid!!」
「That's right .」
「Oh,you are wise!」
「Even so.」
「The reason using the liquid fuel is because a research institute referred to an American rocket.」
「Though it is N rocket, it is strange.」

「The next is an N-U rocket. 」

「It became 2, and what changed?」
「 At first I was able to launch a heavy man-made satellite than before.
I made it to launch a bigger man-made satellite.」
「I see.」
「And I became able to in this way
blast off several geostationary satellite.」
「Stillness,It means having stopped.」
「I see. But why do you let it stand still?」
「Because not need to move the antenna to receive radio waves.
Then, I'm not actually stationary.」
「…? What do you mean?」
「Do you know that the earth rotates?」
「 Though it is slightly complexed, it means,
"a place does not move seeing from the earth"」
「Well, after all...」
「It is that the Earth rotates in the same way .
「That's right.」
「I see.」
To the 1960sTo the 1980/1990s