TOPEssential DiffrencesHistory

【Occident --- easy to move】
A social movement called the Renaissance happened in Holy Roman Empire which was European big power in Europe in the Middle Ages. With the Renaissance, it revived by ancient culture, and it was the exercise that was going to make a better country, and the people moved for sophistication more in Europe each place. Because a race and the religion were the same, I was able to do the movement across the country easily.

【The Occident split into the small country】
Decentralisation in the country went ahead through Holy Roman Empire after a large nominal position, and each feudal lord and city determined tax rates originally, and substantial self-government as it might be said that it was a country was performed. Because feudal lords do not stop by to the size of the territory and conducted diplomacy at an equal position, a small country is not drunk in the big country, and there are still many small countries of the country in Europe.

【The U.K. does not like EU】
As of the 21st century, the U.K. announces the possibility of the withdrawal from EU. Pound that is an original currency is mainly used now in U.K. The reason why only the U.K. does not receive EU exceptionally while many European countries join EU is that only the U.K. is different ethnically. The origin of England is a pirate group called the buffets in a British base and the Middle Ages when it was and is a race around Iceland.


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