What's Mt.Ontake

 Mt.Ontake is a mountain recorded the largest number of the dead after the war, located between Nagano Prefecture and Gifu Prefecture.This is ranked volcanic level B; it become active, but it is not hard. Its altitude is 3,067m, the second largest mountain next to Mt.Fuji in Japan, it is relatively high. It has some somma; the outer rim of a volcanic crater, and located the westside of East Japan volcanic belt. Inside somma, there are caldera. It has five crater lake, they are named from “Ichinoike(number one lake)” to “Gonoike(number five lake).” Nonike and Sannnoike are always filled with water, Ninoike is a lake located highest place in Japan and daily water level variation is 40cm, is larger compared with other lakes.
It is based on lay classified Nohi rhyolite type, the lay that its height from base is 1400~1900m is constituted olivine, pyroxene, andesite and so on.
  There are a lot of falls on rivers its source is Mt.Ontake, so it is said “Mt.Ontake is a mountain of falls.” Because its landform is very steep, it is single peak mountain and the size is very big, the amount of rain is large and it grow abundant forest.
Eruption of Mt.Ontake

  Mt.Ontake erupted on 27 Sept. in 2014. Until then, its warning level was ranked 1 and the tourists can climb freely. From the eruption, the warning level was raised 3. The eruption make a lot of the dead and the missing. Once this mountain was considered non-active mountain, recommended as active volcano by the phreatic explosion in 1979.
  In Mt.Ontake, the forestry is prosperous, so this is a water jar of Chukyo area at the lower reaches of a river.
What's Kilauea

 Kilauea is one of shield volcano, it is in Hawaii island (Big island) and its height is 1247m. The active volcano has erupted since 1983, is recommended World Heritage. This volcano is only a place that we can observe the volcanic action nearly.
Halemaumau Crater

Halemaumau Crater
 There is a caldera on the top of Kilauea, one of them is called Halemaumau Crater. Halemaumau Crater was originally crater its diameter was more than 900m. In this crater, even now, hydrogen sulfide is spouting. After sunsetting, the smoke around the crater looks red and the scene is very beautiful. We can feel the magnificence of the earth.
Kilauea Iki Crater

Kilauea Iki Crater
  Kilauea iki is a crater located eastern next to the crater on the top of kilauea. “Iki” means “small” in Hawaiian language, in fact this crater’s depth is 122m, diameter is about 1km. In the past, the depth was 400m, it become now depth by eruption in 1959. This eruption erupt magma to 583 tall from Vent; the point which magma spout, and the lava become solid for about 20 years. Moreover, inside it is said to be even now high temperature.
 Magma spout so high and when it fall it become solid as drops. It is called “Pele’s tear.” Pele spread as a god in Hawaii, it is said to live in Halemaumau on Kilauea.
Eruption of Kilauea

 Kilauea always erupt, the thing become often topic recently is reaching lave to the private houses. The float lava reached houses flew from rift appeared in Jun. 2014. It invade Pahoa village.(inf. 2 Nov.) In Hawaii, state of emergency is declared and now serious situation.