Prediction of volcanic activity

 Before the eruption, there are many signs which shows occurring it so that we can notice it easier than to know when the earthquake happens. However, we cannot predict 100% correctly and generally, it’s already late when we notice. So, why we can’t prevent such a thing? It is because the interval that magmas become magma chamber is complicated to predict. Then, we’ll show you how to predict eruption.
1. Happening of small earthquake (and they happen frequently)
2. Upheaval around the crater
3. Decreasing electric resistance around underground of volcano
4. Rising groundwater temperature
Eruption warning

 We have the observation system which always have been watching to know some trouble.
At the beginning of anti-eruption measures

 -What is different from earthquake measures?- People get many damage from eruption such as blackout caused by volcanic ashes, crop, paralysis of the transportation network, and so on. But the most important thing is saving life by ourselves. We have already learned about the importance of protecting our safety from past earthquakes. Now, we’ll introduce to you what we should prepare for eruption.
The minimum preparation

・Mask designed for volcanic ashes ・Drinking water (At least, you should prepare for 3 days.) ・Preserved food (Also you should prepare for 3 days.) ・Simple toilet ・Cash ・Raincoat ・Goggles ・Helmet ・Battery charging for phone ・Flashlight
Things which written in red letters are special for eruption.
Mask designed for volcanic ashes

The purpose is different between the original mask and the mask designed for volcanic ashes. In the case of the latter, of course, it was made not only to avoid inhaling volcanic ashes, but also to protect the poison caused by volcanic gas.

 We use it not to put volcanic ashes on our clothes. Maybe, there are some people who think that “We can dust them!” Then, why putting volcanic ashes on our clothes is so bad?
Generally, volcanic ashes damage thing like glass. In fact, Sakurajima island, which is in Kagoshima prefecture, people have trouble putting volcanic ashes on a windshield because they mustn’t damage them though volcanic ashes are very sharp.

 As we mentioned, volcanic ashes are very sharp, that means they’re very dangerous if they entered our eyes. To forestall such miserable situations, it’s better to prepare goggles.
And also, it’s important for people who lives around the volcano to make evacuation plan. The other people also provide for volcanic ashes because d the volcano to make evacuation plan. The other people also provide for volcanic ashes because they moves by wind. It’s good using hazard map.
After the erupting anti-eruption measures –If volcano erupted, what should we do?-

 The most important thing is always to calm down. Don’t be sure of yourself anytime! You should cooperate with your family.   
The general damage of eruption

 There are 3 main damage when volcano erupt.
  1. The damage of volcanic ashes
  2. The damage of volcanic cinders
  3. Mudslide
We already mentioned about the damage of volcanic ashes, it’s far beyond our expectation. Volcanic ashes are very light, so it’s easy to blow away. Therefore, in the case of Kagoshima prefecture, outdoor unit improved for them. Households were damaged due to the same reason, so we have to make ingenuity. In addition, as you know, in the case of Mt. Ontakesan, volcanic ashes become very heavy when it touch water. If they became such situation, becoming too hard to remove. Moreover, these damage continue for a long time, so this is very serious problem.
Volcanic ciders can be killed people because the size is so big. In the case of Mt. Ontakesan, one of these became over 1m. In this case, most of victims were killed this volcanic cinders.
Most of mudslide accident caused by eruption happen after a while. According to Manichi newspaper, 2014 says this accident can be happen even if handling finished.
What should we do after volcano erupt?

In this chapter, we’ll explain the detail.
1.About damage of volcanic ashes They are very troublesome! If you hang wet clothes out, volcanic ashes must stick. So we cannot hang wet clothes out until volcanic ashes falling. 2.About damage of volcanic cinders This impact became larger and larger when you are near the crater. As we mentioned last chapter, we cannot say that we can escape this damage 100% until you run away father and farther. This means if you catch premonition of eruption, you must run away as soon as possible. 3.About damage of mudslide This accident happen after a while, so you should check the landform around your home to avoid this damage. At a glance, there are no connection between eruption and mudslide, but it can be happen anytime.