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Welcome to the fraud laboratory! 


このページのコンテンツには、Adobe Flash Player の最新バージョンが必要です。

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   We hear about fraud in the news everyday. However, we seem to luck a sense of crisis.

We often think about fraud is only old peoples’ problem and think that we, I cannot be cheated, but swindlers are everywhere.

This website researched three main types of fraud.

 First is the history of fraud. There was been fraud ever since humans existed.

However, it is not so long ago that fraudulent act first started to be punished.

 Second is types of the fraud some cases of fraud are reported on TV.

A good many fraudulent acts continue now. We cannot report all of them, but we need to think about how to stop them in the future.

 Third are measures that can be taken to be safe. Needless to say, you should always pay attention.

In addition, we will give you things that can be done if you are a victim of fraud.

We have put tools that you can help you learn about fraud.


Everyone, nobody helps you about fraud!


Explanation of site:Home...return to the fiest page.

          Characters…introduces the characters used in the site.

          History…explaines the history of fraud.

          Types of Fraud…introduces different types of fraud.

          Avoiding Fraud…introduces what measures can be taken to avoid fraudor if you are a victim of fraud.

          Game…games that can help you learn more about fraud.

          Information…information of the site.