The Road to becoming a Ore Mineral Master


HOMEPicture Book of Ore Minerals >Jade

Chemical Formula Na(Al,Fe)Si2O6
Mohs Hardness 6-7
Specific gravity 3.2~3.4
Description Jade is an ornamental rock. The term jade is applied to two different metamorphic rocks that are made up of different silicate minerals.

Nephrite consists of a microcrystalline interlocking fibrous matrix of the calcium, magnesium-iron rich amphibole mineral series tremolite (calcium-magnesium) - ferroactinolite (calcium-magnesium-iron).

The middle member of this series with an intermediate composition is called actinolite. The higher the iron content, the greener the colour. Jadeite is a sodium and aluminium rich pyroxene. The gem form of the mineral is a microcrystalline interlocking crystal matrix.

In Japan, the earliest known jade artifacts excavated from prehistoric sites are simple ornaments with bead, button, and tubular shapes.

Nephrite can be found in a creamy white form as well as in a variety of green colours, whereas jadeite shows more colour variations, including blue, lavender-mauve, pink, and emerald-green colours.


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