[Meiji period(8/9/1868-30/7/1912)]


In The Edo Period end, the feudal system began tracing the way of a decay. In this troublous situation, gorgeous furnishing disappeared and the coler and pattern of a kimono also became sober. Thus it changed over from The Edo Period to The Meiji Period.
In The Meiji Period, what is called “Bunmei-kaika”which means civilization happened. In the clothes, a dress was provided as a full dress, and a full dress changed into a dress.

In this age, though the kosode which has lasted for a long time could not blend with foreign culture and was seen unnaturalness, it amalgamated with then presently. This is the characteristic in The Meiji Period.

Thus the material and the pattern of a kimono has reflected the age and its environment, but the form has hardly changed. A kimono transfer to dress in the function, and the kimono as a ordinary dress disappeared gradually.


The full-dress which a public servant wore at a important ceremony
A girl student
The full-dress of Western style which the upper lady wore at a ceremony
A derby and a Japanese inverness







The Ancient Period

The Yamato Imperial Court Period

The Nara Period

The Heian Period

The Kamakura -Muromachi Period

The Aduchi-Momoyama Period

The Edo Period

The Meiji Period

The Taishou Period-Today