One per-second soccer place -- This is the most intelligible and ironic for the numerical value which has changed from green to the desert. In the world, every year, the land of about 6 million Ha(s) -- desertification -- already -- 3,500 million -- it is presumed that the farmland of Ha(s) was desertified
It happens as a result of change of climate, or human activities, vegetation is destroyed, and desertification says that soil deteriorates. Desertification is advancing quickly and especially desertification in developing countries is serious so that the upper numerical value may also show.
The place called SAHERU district is located in Africa. In order to support large population, as a result of carrying out pasturage of a superfluous goat and the sheep, much green is lost by the extra train of population and desertification is progressing severely by it. Since a goat and the sheep eat a plant from a root, once it is eaten, that green returns will take considerable time.
Moreover, there is also an area where damage from salt water is appearing with desertification by introduction of irrigation agriculture.
Even if it thinks that green will be returned, a plant seldom grows up in a desert.
If it does not pasture for providing an adult mouth, a life of people of the area will be troubled.
Research of the plant which grows up in a desert (China etc. is prosperous in this research now)