SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
We regard that it occurred from China Guangdong in November, 2002, and raged centering on Asia and Canada till around the spring of 2003 as your being still fresh in memory. It is the completely new infection which was not discovered until now.
A pathogenic organ is the new style corona virus named the "SARS corona virus."
If symptoms develop, start generation of heat of 38 degrees or more, breathlessness, a cough, and dyspnea, and a view like pneumonia is seen by the chest X-ray, and also various condition, such as headache, a chill, loss of appetite, a feeling of whole body fatigue, diarrhea, and consciousness muddiness, may be seen.
An antibiotic does not work on SARS. However, the medicine which works for SARS has also been discovered recently.
Present condition
8398 affairs were reported as an example of the possibility, and 772 persons have died on November 1, 2002 to June 3, 2003. It is said that it rages with influenza and the Ministry of Health and Welfare etc. has recommended the influenza vaccination in the winter of this year.
Source of infection
Although the splash infection infected from a SARS patient's sneeze and the splash of a cough can be considered mainly, the contact infection through the hand or the thing cannot be denied, either. A patient's less than 2m comparatively long conversation, and nursing, care and living together of a patient are told that danger is high.
It is not established an effective cure yet and a vaccine is not made, either. Therefore, symptomatic therapy etc. has taken the lead.
Measure against infection
Not traveling is important to the SARS fashion ground. As for the time when SARS was most in fashion, the travel adjournment advice to many areas, such as China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, etc. was taken out from WHO (World Health Organization).
Clean mask wear, restroom gargling, healthy management, etc. serve as big infection prevention.