New Construction Systems for the House
Japan has a long tradition of post-and-lintel wooden construction. But it appered that there was reinforced-concrete wall construction,where the building was not supported by columns but by partition walls in Meiji period. |
wall construction | stone buildings, brick and concrete-block buildibgs, log house in Scandinavia and Switzerland, load-bearing(load-bearing wall construction. |
two-by-four construction: recently introduced from America can be considered a type pf wall construction. |
Nor does wall construction allow rooms to be seperated by sidibg screens,where several rooms can be easily opened up into a single place. It is also difficult to locate the windows or entrance by the corner of a building. Moreover,in a column-and-beam construction one can usually remove any section of a wall in order to enlatge a building. In a wall construction however,almost all the walls have a structualfunction.This means that removing a section of wall to extend a building may be very dangerous,and requires careful consideration. According to that,you must know which house is easy on the environment. |