Shoulder Pass
This is multiused than other passes,alias an overhand throw pass.Because we throw as we let our body bend,it is so easy to transmit to the ball in power that we can do a fine adjustment of the speed and the control the ball.

‡@You make your foot opposite your dominant hand step forward.
You pull throw-hand behind at the same time as putting wight on the hinder leg.
As you lightly bend the knee of the forefoot,you keep your balance.
At this time, you raise your elbow high.

‡AAs you move weight ahead from the back,you throw a ball with imaging to shake the arm from overhead.

‡BYou adjust the control and the speed with a snap of the wrist.
You take large follow-through and don't stop on the way.

¦sfollow-throwtMovement after you threw.
In the case of this pass,you make throw-hand go to the thigh of an opposite foot.

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