*Environmental problems recognition questionnaire *
Please let me hear a frank opinion for environmental problems.
It doesn't care even if everything cannot be answered to the following question.
Please cooperate by all means within the answered range.

Student : School child  Junior high school student
       High school student  University student

Member of society:  twenties  thirties forties
 fifties  More than sixties

Woman  Man

1.Do you feel environmental problems progress near yourself?

2.Do you know Kyoto Protocol?
Yes,I knowgo to 3  No,I don't knowgo to 4

3.At last, February next year will come into effect to the Kyoto Protocol by the ratification of Russia.
However, the United States declared no renewal ratification.
What do you think though it seems to original United States it do measures for controlling global warming?

4.Do you know Emissions Trading ?
Yes,I know.go to 5  No, I don't know.go to 6

Please reprove it for this system.

Do you think of kankyou-zei?