Flora and fauna and 20`30 percent extermination.

14 as Britain and Australia, etc. research laboratories jointly brought the forecast that the seed of 18-35% of flora and fauna could be exterminated in about 50 years when global warming advanced together. It announces by the British science magazine nature dated the eighth.

The research consortium assumed the rise in heat until 2005 to the wind of two degrees or more in the maximum in the minimum by 0.8-1.7 degrees 1.8-twice at an inside level.

The possibility of the extermination of each living thing was provisionally calculated from the change in the living region etc. for about one thousand of plant in Europe and America, Australia, Africa, and Latin America and animals.

The seed of about 20 percent assumed that it might exterminate even though it was possible to move to latitude and ..cold.. high ground, etc. at the rise of an inside level.
If it is not possible to move, 30 percent of extermination is endangered etc.

In regional, the butterfly in Australia was forecast that the seed more than the half was the maximum gone.
It is said that about 40 percent will be exposed to the crisis as for the bird in Europe. Moreover, it is expected that the influence is large, and the fear of extermination will rise more than the tropics in the temperate zone region.

Story of original Hideo Harasawa of National Institute for Environmental Studies (environment program laboratory say that)

¨˘Having investigated the change in the ecosystem from the aspect of Global warming on in detail and a large scale starts and ..
The necessity of a Global warming prevention plan of immediate was shown again. £