Relation between amphibians' decrease and climate changes

Amphibians' rapid diminution and extermination were confirmed from about the end in all parts of the world in 1970's.

Researcher team in the United States
It is announced, "A worldwide climate change confirmed amphibians' eggs died and were personally related for the first time."

There are a lot of breeding ground which is a kind of toad in Cascade Range in the North American west, and when the outdoors investigation data for ten years or more was compared with the climate change data, it

El Nino of summer is strong.

The rainfall and the snowfall of winter of Cascade Range decrease.

Depth of the lake and the pond that the frog lays in spring becomes shallow.

It comes to be exposed by ultraviolet rays B wave with a harmful egg.

The ratio to die by a kind of an aquatic bacterium rises.

...certain@of relate I see.

Research team said....

1.It is necessary to know ecology in the research region in detail to understand the influence that the climate change of the world scale gives ecology, and to obtain long-term data.

2.The number of amphibians especially sensitive being rapidly decreasing to the climate change might tell something important for the one to threaten the living thing diversity of the earth.