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 Abu Simbel Egypt
 This shrine hollowed the rocky mountain in the Ramses II era (the century [ 13th ] B.C.), and was made. The image (the head of the 2nd image falls downward from the left) of Ramses II of four-body , and on the center, others are smaller than four bodies and Helios Ra is carved in the front. If the bottom of a center goes into inside at the entrance, Ramses II's statue is located in a line with right and left, and there is a sacred place in the very back.

 Explorer Belzoni Construction king Ramses II  Faith
 An explorer called Geovanni Belzoni discovered this shrine in the 19th century. It is said that he was a big man of 怪力 although he was the person who became a model of the movie "indie Jones." The Seti 1 generation [ besides this shrine ] (Ramses II's father) grave etc. was discovered.
Ramses II built the huge building and made many his own images make all over Egypt. Many figures of the king who fights with an enemy, and tributary scenes are drawn on the surface of a wall of this shrine. The figure in which governed people knelt down is carved at feet of four front images.
People of ancient Egypt worshipped Helios Ra most. Kings desired to die and to become with Helios. In this shrine, since Ramses II is made more greatly than Helios Ra, his greatness can be grasped.

 The symbol of prosperity of Egypt

Cultural heritage 1 979 years

a formal name -- "
The ruins group of Nubia from Abu Simbel to FIRAE "

Height 33m
Width 38m
Depth 60m