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 Angkor Vat (Cambodia)

From now on, the capital of the dynasty which prospered in Cambodia was in the value of encore 800 years ago from 1100. Abbeys, such as Angkor Vat and Angkor Thom, were made as a symbol of the authority of Kingdom of Cambodia. However, the dynasty has been ruined in the Ayutthaya morning of a front tie about in 600.

 Angkor Thom  The myth of Hinduism  The pain became a crisis
It was made by the 7th JAYAVARUMAN.
50 or so gentle expression --
it is the temple where a tower is located in a line.
Various scenes based on the myth of Hinduism, such as the Creation, are drawn on Angkor Wat by relief.

from now on, the ruins of encore do not have front Cambodia as a sense -- it does not carry out -- it was alike and the more serious pain has come out.
Therefore, it registered with the crisis inheritance from the time of the registration in 1992 to 2004.
Restoration is continued still now.


 The abbey of Hinduism


Cultural heritage 1992