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 Mogao Caves(China)

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The 96th caves      gate    Much caves

The Silk Road was transmitted and Buddhism was brought to China from India. The one monk practicing asceticism carved the first stone shoes on the slope of the east side of Mt.narusa. a desert about the middle of the 4th century. It is said that a Buddha statue continued being carved also over 1000 after that.
 Structure  Refurbishing operation  A town called Dunhuang
size -- various stone shoes divide into 3-4 layers of upper and lower sides, and are dug like the nest of a bee. It is dug in the north-south cliff over 1600m. The inside of stone shoes is filled by the picture on the topic of the instruction of Buddhism. There wasMogao Caves which is in 25km from Dunhuang, also when it seems to have been ruined once and seems to have been buried in sand. However, though refurbishing operation will be done and tourist-resort-ized from 1963, internal photography is directing power towards protection activities by forbidding.

Dunhuang prospered as an oasis town in the place where two ways of the Silk Road join. China and Western-Regions countries are connected.
It was a vestibule leading to the outside of the west in China. It is a town in China in which the merchant of the Western Regions puts an expensive article on a camel, and sets foot first, and prospered as a business talk place.


 ▼文化遺産 1987年