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 The Great Wall(Chine)

The long castle was made by countries, such as each country of SAI, Tsubame,CHIYO, and GI, in the years Age of Civil Wars, respectively, in order to prevent north horse-riding people's etc. invasion. Shih-huang-ti of the first Hata who unified China connected the long castle of each country (about 2200 years before). Then, the extension was performed and the long castle seen now was completed to Akira (about 600 years before). They are the longest ruins made over about 2000.

 The duty which takes and comes out  The long castle of the time of SHIN  How to make a long castle
1.lookout It was also able to rest in the station of the inside out of which a soldier watches, does, takes and comes by turns.
2. signal fire is raised.
When an enemy was discovered, daytime cooked smoke, built fire and told it to the soldier and capital of an ally night.
3. enemy is attacked.
It not only takes and comes out, but to the rampart, unevenness and a hole were open, and the gun and the bow were shot from the meantime and it considered as the shield.
The present long castle though it was the strong structure completed with a stone and brick, it was mainly making the ground as Hata before it.
The rampart and the watch stand were made by the method of version which hardens the ground.
The long castle was made by millions of farmers assembled from the China whole country, and the soldier of 300,000.
The long castle of 明 covered with the first big stone on a foundation, made the wall for brick in piles, is putting in, poking and hardening a gravel and a pebble in between, and was able to do the powerful rampart. 。

 The longest ruins in the history of human beings

Cultural heritage 1987