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Especially, since it is famous, "Kinkaku" of the reliquary hall which deified God's bone is called the Kinkakuji Temple, but an official name is "Rokuon-ji." Yoshimitsu Ashikaga (the Ashikaga third generation general) is very much pleased with a place with the mountain villa of Nishizono , the Kamakura period and the Imperial Court, and modeling will be started from 1397. It is reflected here next year. It became the political center until Yoshimitsu sank after that. The building of most except Kinkaku was burned down by the Onin War etc., and Kinkaku since erection has also been burned down by incendiarism in 1950. A certain thing is restored in 1955 now. Brilliant harmony of construction beauty and garden beauty has told Muromachi period Kitayama culture soon. The foil of pure gold has stretched to two layers of Kinkaku, and three layers, and the phoenix is shining on the roof. As for the classic aristocratic mansion style and two layers, in one layer, samurai structure and three layers are Zen Buddhism Buddha Mr. structure.
It has become.

 An aristocrat's resort Uji  "Phoenix Hall"
Uji was located between Kyoto and Nara and was obtained in さ as a key point of traffic for many years. Aristocrats stayed in Uji per month for ten days or more, and the ship was floated on Minakami and they were performing music. The "phoenix" in a name is the origin from the bird-phoenix on the tradition which Sumi of a roof has on two. Aristocrats had worshipped at this place in quest of paradise.

 A Heian aristocrat's dream revives.


Cultural heritage 1994 registration

116, Renka, Uji, Uji-shi, Kyoto

8:30 - 17:30

Admission fee 600 yen

* National treasure Amitabha Tathagata sedentary statue
National treasure 天蓋 is the present.
"Under large repair of Heisei It is ".

The special edition "performed"