Index>Top>According to areaAsia>Moenjo Daro
 Moenjo Daro (Pakistan)

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SUTUPA (tower))  The road of a town    Marks of a well

The ruins of a city are MOENJO = DARO as the Indus civilization which it is with one of the world 4 civilization prospered. These ruins of the Indus civilization maximum which means "the dead's hill" were equipped with the city function to lead also to the present.

 Indus civilization  The comfortable city  Decline
Indus civilization is the ancient city civilization which was missing from present Pakistan and present India centering on the Indus valley about 4500 years ago, and prospered in the large area.
However, it is not known well when started and it finished .
It is supposed in the fortress area surrounded by the rampart that there were a watch stand with a purification top height of about 10m, a granary warehouse, and a meeting place. It lost also in the present age, and division maintenance was twisted and carried out. why Indus civilization declines -- the cause
1.different ethnic groups's ARIA people invasion theory
The damage-from-salt-water theory by change theory
2. desertification of the flow
3. Indus upstream region

Indus civilization The city of a phantom

Cultural heritage 1980

It was written in the Indus character. Gate (this gate is an object for sightseeing)


the Indus character -- the seal of a typical unicorn