Galapagos Islands (Ecuador)

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Marine iguana   Galapagos tortoise  Great Frigatebird

It is the paradise where the new living things which are only in this island are continuing evolving into the Galapagos Islands which appears on the East Pacific Ocean directly under the equator. The living thing from which Darwin became the cause to advocate the theory of evolution still continuing being useful.

 About the Galapagos Islands  Wonderful animals  Animals do not fear man.
 which is in a 960km east peace on the ocean from the Ecuador mainland, and consists of a big island of 13, and 40 or more islets It is an island of the lava of a submarine volcano which carries out magma jet and exists right above a mouth. Since it was a solitary island, the individual animal was born. IGUANA ... A basis is . which evolved into Marine IGUANA under which land IGUANA which was present in land can go to the sea in quest of food. 2. Galapagos tortoise ... They are the oldest reptiles in the world. 3.Great FrigatebirdI ... A male makes sound like a drum with the bird which is alike also in a throat and has a big red bag, and courts with it.

A fearful natural enemy is not in the animal of GARAPAGOSU. Therefore, it is not panicked, even if man approaches and it says, and it is not afraid.

 Paradise of wonderful animals

Natural heritage 1978

"Galapagos giant tortoise"
It can see in Ueno Zoological Gardens. (It is the longest congratulation animal of Ueno Zoological Gardens.)