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 Ginkaku-ji (Kyoto)
 Yoshimasa Ashikaga, the Muromachi government Yatsushiro general, erected Kinkaku (Rokuon-ji) to the model. It became a Zen temple by his will behind, it took from Jisoin of Yoshimasa's Buddhist name, and "Jisho-ji" and a name attached and carried out. In Kinkaku (Rokuon-ji), although gold leaf is actually applied, this temple has applied not silver but Japanese lacquercoler considered as deep black.
 It's called in fact Kannon.
The Ginkakuji temple is the Kannon erected by Mr. mountain villa Higashiyama of Yoshimasa Ashikaga, and is the common name which was contrasted with Kinkaku which the grandfather and 3rd generation general Yoshimitsu of Yoshimasa built, and was used. 。 A room called doujinnsai which general Yoshimasa made the study room is in kyokyudo which is near ginkaku.
It is called the originator of "shoin-zukuri" there in the oldest tearoom of 4 mat and a half in Japan.

  Koke-dera and a brotherly temple


Cultural heritage 1994 registration

2, Ginkakuji-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi

8:30 - 17:00
(March [ January - ] 14 9:00 - December 16:30)

500 yen
(A visit is 400 yen at night)