Index>Top>According to areaJapan>Nara>Kasuga Taisha
 Kasuga Taisha (Nara Prefecture)
It is in a right public inside a garden. Kasuga Taisha is the old shrine built from now on about in 1200 at the last Nara period.
It was founded in order to pray Tokyo protection and national prosperity. After the Kamakura period, the faith to a samurai's Kasuga Taisha prospers and the sword and armor of a part many are dedicated.
 A beautiful corridor  A deer is the usage of God.  "Shosoin of the Heian period"
There are about 1200 deer of the symbol of Nara. it has been carefully saved as Kamisika. It is said that he got down from the vehicle when an influence person of those days, Mr. Fujiwara, met the deer.

Kasuga Taisha is like [ which possesses many treasures and is called "Shosoin of the Heian period" ].

 The mystery, in addition YASIRO of woods and a deer


Cultural heritage 1998 registration