Macyu Pichu (Peru)

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Summit  Rockwork Terraced farm  Weiner PICHU

The marks of the city in the Incaic Empire which prospered 600 years ago from 500 years from now on are MACHUPICHU. While it is in the summit of the mountain with an altitude of 2460m and many towns of the Inca are destroyed by Spain, they are precious ruins which leave the marks of their Inca days.

 Discovery of the capital of a phantom  Construction of aeropolice  The downfall of the Incaic Empire
The high rum Bingham expeditionary party of the American who came the capital "a BIRUKA bumper" of the phantom of the Incaic Empire to search discovered MACHUPICHU in 1911. The advanced civilization which this city at the summit of the mountain higher than clouds has a shrine, and a terraced farm also has existed. The Incaic Empire which prospered about 450 years ago from now on was a Great country which reaches 4000km of north and south. However, the emperor was made only 168 persons' Spain soldier at capturing alive, and it has been conquered by Spain.

 Aeropolice in the Incaic Empire


Mixed World Heritage 1983

Formal name
" Mathieu PICHU history refuge

Altitude: 2430m