Easter Island (Chile)

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     Ahutongariki   Devastated island  Ahunaunau

There is a MOAI image of about 900 bodies in the Easter Island which appears on the South Pacific. Among those, in to stand on a stand being made into desertion in the quarry etc., while it has been incomplete, 39 bodies and, 350 bodies and the remainder have fallen easily. 1200 years ago, inhabitants shaved the stone, imitated the village mayor for generations and the ancestral figure, and they made the MOAI image so that a village might be watched. They were many labor, the nature of an island, and the symbol of the affluence made over many hours.

 How to make a MOAI image  A devastated island  Refurbishing operation by Japan
Although it is in how to stand in what opinion, one is introduced here. 1. It is deleted by the form of MOAI in the quarry of a mountain. 3. Dig and stand a hole and carve a fine portion. 3. Put for curving, pull a rope in great numbers, and carry to the beach (it is three months at 90 persons for moving 6km.). 4. It is carried to a stand and put a hat. 5. Insert a log under the body and put the stone into the crevice on which it floated little by little by the principle of the lever. 6. Repeat this and Make it Stand Gradually (Two Months to Erection).
Although the subtropical forest had grown thick from the first in this island, those woods were destroyed in order to obtain the wood and the rope for MOAI construction. As a result, land became thin and it lapsed into the food shortage. Inhabitants fought over food, MOAI was pushed down and ゛ eye" which was a soul of MOAI was also destroyed. Since there was no tree, it was in the miserable situation where a ship cannot be made, either but neither a fishing nor movement can be performed. As for the ruins of Ahutongariki  destroyed by the tsunami (1960) by that Shimauchi fights and the dust earthquake, restoration by the Japanese team was decided in 1992. The Japanese construction firm etc. rebuilt the altar by instruction of the Nara National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, and reorganized 15 pairs of MOAI in 1995. Looseness れた MOAI stands restoration on "Sun Messe Nichinan" of the Miyazaki prefecture by the gratitude.


Teachings to civilization development



Cultural heritage 1995

Formal name "RAPA NUI national park

Height of a MOAI image
Maximum: 21m
Average: 4m