Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca Peru)

A big photograph will be seen if a mouse cursor is put on a lower picture.

HACHIDORI   Alien  Runway 1    Runway 2

 Although the ground picture was drawn 1800 to 1300 years ago from now, it was discovered after the airplane of 70 years ago was invented. That is because it was not visible to too much hugeness from the ground. Then, how on earth did it draw?

Various groundpictures
As for the ground picture, the straight line and straight whirling pattern like a runway are drawn for about 30 あり and other females. however, it is based on the bread = United States expressway run so that it may run [ ruins ] in recent years, and a tourist -- damaging -- etc. -- it is -- preservation is in a difficult state.
 Why did it remain?
called Pampa) on which the ground picture was drawn is made of a blackish gravel which covers the ground, showed the lower white ground by removing it and carried out it like a line, it is a ground picture. From such environment, without being erased by rain, since a strong wind removes the sand concerning a line, the ground picture has been maintained until now.
 The inheritance of a mystery
Although it is not decided clearly for what purpose it drew, it is almost certain that people of Nazca wished and drew help from heavens. Since many lines are drawn toward the mountain in which the sun rises at the time when water flows, the opinion of having been used for the ceremony in connection with water or a mountain is leading.

The huge picture of a mystery


Cultural heritage 1 994 years

an official name -- "
The ground picture of Nazca and a FUMANA plain "

Wide plain (= Pampa): About 5 million square kilometers

"the ground picture of Nazca" -- it actually drew. Here It passes.