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 Ninna-ji (Kyoto)
 Emperor Uta inherited the last wish of Emperor point and Mitsutaka, and he made it complete as a Nishiyama wish temple in 888. Emperor Uta -- after abdication -- forsaking the world -- Ninna-ji -- between about 30 year things and a Buddha's preach -- it strove for practice of esoteric Buddhism. Since then, Imperial prince serves Ninna-ji to the Meiji Restoration. "The Omuro cherry tree which makes a flower bloom late in April is known as a flower of the late flower of Kyoto 1.
 The main hall of a Buddhist temple is the Emperor's home.  It appears also in Tsurezuregusa.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi stood the main hall of a Buddhist temple at Momoyama Era, and Iyemitsu Tokugawa contributed it to Ninna-ji.
It is the precious building which tells the style of the "classic aristocratic mansion style" which was the dwelling of the aristocrat of the Heian period.
Kenko Yoshida is the poet of Kamakura - the Muromachi period, and is writing "Tsurezuregusa" for the thing of Ninna-ji.
in this, the priest of Ninna-ji needs to do main -- the talk appears.

 Delicate and generous character


Cultural heritage 1994 registration

33, Omuro Ochi, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi

9:00 - 16:30
Admission fee 500 yen

* Ninna-ji is the house origin of the "Omuro style flower arrangement."