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 Pyramid (Egypt)

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3 Great Pyramid  SAKARA pyramid    Sphinx

visualizing first with pyramid , it is 3 Great Pyramid of King King kings and KAFURA, and Khufu. these three pyramids -- King King Khufu and KAFURA, and MENKA -- hurrah, in order of the king, it is an old king and the big pyramid was made. These exist in capital Memphis in ancient Egypt, and the pyramid of 80 is concentrating them on the outskirts.

 About a pyramid  The form of a pyramid  How to make
In ancient Egypt, the king wanted after death to continue being forever useful united with Helios Ra. Then, the pyramid is considered to have been made as a home which a king becomes with soul Bar after death, and returns, and the opinion of a grave is disappearing recently. - Six steps of Step Pyramid : the oldest pyramid by King JOZERU
- Collapse pyramid : since the beautiful stone which is based on King SUFUNERU (King Khufu's father), and covers the surface collapsed, the internal eight-step pyramid is showing.
- Refraction pyramid : in order for the slack of the foundation to protect collapse, the inclination was changed on the way.
It is how to make a pyramid. 1. Observe Star and Determine Direction. 2. Dig 玄 Room and Passage. Stone is Quarried Out in 3. Quarry. 4. Stone is Carried and it Accumulates from Bottom. Granite of 5. Surface is Polished and Cap Stone is Put on Highest Rung.


A world's largest grave
A huge right triangular pyramid


Cultural heritage 1979

A formal name is "Memphis and a pyramid zone from the ruins of cemetery-GIZA to DAHASHURU."

King Khufu: 137m
King KAFURA: 143m

It is in the nearness for 30 - 40 minutes by bus from Cairo, the capital of Egypt.