Index>Top>According to area>Japan>shirakami-Sanchi
 Shirakami-Sanchi (Aomori Prefecture, Akita Prefecture)
Shirakami mountain range is a with an altitude [ over Akita Prefecture from Aomori Prefecture / 1000-1200m ] mountain range, and gross areas are about 130,000 ha(s). primeval [ of these ] -- the zone of beech forest 16971ha [-like ] was registered as world heritage in 1993.
 The storehouse of food  People called MATAGI
It was the Jomon period of about 8000 years ago that beech woods were made in Shirakami mountain range. Those who live in the beech woods here had hunted the animal (INOSHIKA antelope) which asks for nuts.
MATAGI is those who do work which mainly catches the Asian black bear, an antelope, etc.
Now, it does not carry out now [ not many deer ].

World's largest beech woods


Natural heritage 1993 registration