Index>Top>According to areaJapan>Kyoto>To-ji
 There is no SAI-JI  The highest five-storied pagoda in Japan  The head temple of the Shingon sect of Buddhism
It was built by the east and west of a Tokyo entrance at the time of the 平安 transfer of the capital (794 years). It is 西寺 that having been built by the east side was built by To-ji and the west side, and SAI-JI has been burned down after that. It is designated also as the national treasure. With 57 highestm in to-ji
It is also the symbol of Kyoto.
The Shingon sect introduced by Kuukai. the law which is the originator of the esoteric Buddhism said for this temple to be that head temple and for Kuukai to have told it -- many implements and Buddha statues are left behind.


The symbol of Kyoto


Cultural heritage 1994 registration