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 Toshodai-ji (Nara Prefecture)
the temple which the Ganjin sum top of the priest of Tang (China) who came to Japan built in 759 is Toshodai-ji . People gather from the four quarters and "Syou Dai" expresses the ideal about which he is the meaning of reaching to an extreme of learning, and Ganjin visited Japan.
The auditorium in Toshodai-ji, Heizyo Ruins of Heijo Palace It is alike, and the Toutyou collection is reconstructed and converted for the Toutyou collection who existed.

 On the Ganjin sum  New culture is told.  Fan firewood
It decided to pass into Japan at the age of 55 at the time of the cancer of the priest of Tang. Although the voyage went wrong 5 times and it became blind about both eyes, the Japanese ground was able to be stepped on by the voyage which is the 6th time. if it was at last at the age of 66, it was alike and Ganjin who reached carried out the great contribution to Buddhism of Japan in 754. It is not only Buddhistic Rule which Ganjin brought to Japan.
The talented people in whom a priest, a builder, the Buddhist image author, medicine, pursue of knowledge under adversity, music, etc. were excellent also came together. In this way, new culture began to get across to Japan.
"Fan firewood" will be held in May every year. The fan which carried out the heart type originating in historical fact of an ancient priest of high virtue is scattered towards a worshipper from heights. As a good-luck article, it is very much pleased with this fan from the worshipper who was able to gather. 。

The temple which the Ganjin sum top built


Cultural heritage 1998 registration

Toshodai-ji main hall of a Buddhist temple
It is [ demolition ] under repair till 2009.

Ganjin is famous for Yasushi Inoue's novel "Tenpyou no Iraka."